Utah NP Full Practice Authority Bill UPDATE and ACTION NEEDED NOW!!

Posted over 1 year ago by Liz Close

Utah NP Full Practice Authority Bill Is Headed for
Full House Floor Vote

SB 36 S05 Professional Licensing Amendments (Bramble & Maloy) removing the current language that prevents Utah Nurse Practitioners from Full Practice Authority (FPA) designation passed the Utah House Health and Human Services Committee on Friday and needs ALL Utah nurses' support NOW for the anticipated FINAL vote in the Utah House!!

WHAT YOU CAN DO (more detailed information is located on the Utah Nurse Practitioners website):

The Utah Nurse Practitioners [organization] provides detailed information HERE including sample letters which may also serve as scripts for phone calls to legislators. 

Now is the time to let legislators know that ALL UTAH NURSES support Utah Nurse Practitioner Full Practice Authority!
Important note from our NP colleagues: "the Utah Medical Association will make a strong effort to get the Reps to vote NO on the floor"

The Utah Nurses Association Strongly Supports Passage of SB36 S05