VISIT THE UNA ELECTION WEBSITE FOR DETAILS Seeking outstanding UNA members to run for 2024-2026 UNA Board of Directors positions. Accepting...


UTAH NURSES FOUNDATION SEEKS BOARD MEMBERS UNF is actively seeking current UNA members to serve as Treasurer and in other Board positions. The Utah...


UNA will accept nominations from July 1st – July 31st for the election slate of 2024-2026 UNA Board of Directors positions. Nominees for Board...


Utah NP Full Practice Authority Bill Is Headed for Full House Floor Vote SB 36 S05 Professional Licensing Amendments (Bramble & Maloy) removing...

Posted by Liz Close

UNA Joins Governor Cox’s One Utah Health Collaborative Supporting Affordability, Equity, and Outcomes in Healthcare Yesterday, Utah Governor...


Dear UNA Members and website followers: Thanks to the diligent, thoughtful work of the UNA Government Relations Committee leadership (Diane...


UNA Urges All Utah Nurses to Contact Legislators NOW!! Utah Nurses Association is working with the Utah Association of periOperative Registered...


Please refer to the attached letter sent today from ANA President Ernest Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN, to Xavier Becerra, the US Secretary of Health and...

Posted by Liz Close | 6 comments

22 Years and Nurses are Again Rated #1 as Most Ethical and Trusted Professionals Gallup released its 2022 year end polling of trusted professionals...

Posted by Liz Close

UNA has received the following invitation welcoming all nurses to a FREE celebration on the eve of Nurses Month 2022. This is NOT a recruitment...